I still remember when Adam and I were in Olive Garden and he was telling another one of his friends about his roadtrip, and I said, “Well….can I go???” I think that for a long time, he didn’t believe that I would actually save my money to do it, but here I am, one road trip later, and with no laptop at college. But, it was never just about the money. It was leaving and understanding that we couldn’t just go home; it was being with one person for fifty days, it was driving to California in an 85’ VW bus, and attempting to get back. The roadtrip began with us having to make choices that would result in a summer of pure freedom, a summer that we will never forget.
The roadtrip turned into an adventure that even I wasn’t expecting. The van troubles that now make us smile, the people we spent time with that changed or impacted our lives in different ways, that one James Taylor CD that became our roadtrip soundtrack, the silly, crazy places we went and things we did that no one will ever truly understand, the support and encouragement that people gave us, and a friendship that will never be the same. You know, when you live out of a van in 110 degree weather for fifty days, it’s too hot to argue! So you have to just laugh, say “what have we gotten ourselves into?”, make up stupid handshakes, sing Disney songs at midnight, roll the windows down, and simply enjoy the gift of a summer spent being free with your best friend.
Adam has been telling me to write this last post since we got back, and to be honest, I have been putting it off for as long as I possibly can. The roadtrip still feels surreal or in the making. I don’t want to except nor recognize its end, but I understand that the roadtrip was a season, maybe the best of my life so far, but still seasons change.
I owe thank yous to so many people and places, but I will probably forget someone….first, mom and dad, thank you for embracing, my adventurous spirit, and letting me go on the roadtrip. My Tudela family, thank you for helping Adam and I the whole way to California and back, I love you guys! Rick and Brett, thanks for all the hard work you put into the van, and Val thanks for introducing me to Adam, and for encouraging me to play, and for hanging out with me while the boys worked on the van. Goulet, thank you so much for all your guidance and ideas, we’d have been lost without you. Don, and Eric thanks for the shower and a bed to sleep in, we had so much fun. Mike, we LOVE your camp, thank you so much! To everyone in Minnesota, thank you for a fun few days at the lake, and Gramas spaghetti. To South Dakota thank you for Wall Drug and prairie dogs, and for the badlands…amazing to even think about. Wyoming, thank you for the elk and Jackson Hole and Debbie. Dustin and Leigh, you guys made our stay in California absolutely unforgettable, you guys are awesome and we love you! Tennessee, thanks for that three hours of sleep and the foggy sunrise. Debbie, we love you…thank you for everything. To the Galvan’s, we had so much fun in Virginia and you guys are just so much fun, thank you. And to my dear friend Adam, thanks tudela, you are the best and it was so much fun, and WE DID IT! We drove across the country in a hippie van…we walked out on the mesa and we stumbled on a few songs J Love ya tudela, thank you for everything before the roadtrip, during it, and after. The day I met you was such a blessing.
Sierra I have a thank you for you :) Thank you for going on the road trip with Adam. I know that you were the perfect choice. He would have killed someone else :) I knew you guys would look after each other and that made me feel better. And I can't imagine anyone else having as much fun. So thanks for helping to make this trip such a special experience. Your Tudela family loves you too!!!!! xoxo