Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today we woke up in comfy beds, an air conditioned house, and well rested.  I woke up around 11...which was amazing, and then we spent the morning reorganizing, and just relaxing while Debbie was at work.  She was so sweet, and got off early, so when she got home, she took us to the "Lost River Cave"...which they have dances in, so start saving because I think we need to all go to Bowling Green and rent that out for just a party...honestly, so beautiful.  It was a short, gorgeous hike down to the cave with massive hanging vines, and big trees....oh my word.  I told Debbie that Bowling Green was my green gables, and that someday I will live here, and I'm serious.  Bowling Green is Mayberry...hanging vines, and trees...rivers, and sweet tea...ahhhh I love it here.  So anyways, the hike was beautiful, short and fun!  Then out of nowhere, there is a massive cave!  There is an underground river, and a dance floor, and a stage...yes, a stage.  Like I said, start saving!

After, we went to a frozen yogurt place, which is my favorite, and then we went back home and enjoyed each others company.   Debbie is so much fun!  We discovered that her grand kids call her "Annma", so we adopted the name as well. : )  A little while later, we met up with Heather, Kailen, and Elijah for dinner at a wonderful mexican restaurant.  I can't remember the name of it, but it was delish!  We then said our goodbyes to Kailen, heather, and Elijah, and went around Bowling Green with "Annma" for a bit longer.

Debbie showed us the, "top-of-the-hill', which is Western Kentucky University.  We walked around for a while chit-chatting just like old friends.  Enjoying the summer evening cool breeze, and the sunset over the campus.  We then drove over to the Corvette museum, because, did you know? Bowling Green is the Corvette Capital of the World!  Crazy!!!  It was very cool.  After, we drove home and spent the evening looking at pictures, talking about the past, present, and future, getting teary-eyed about leaving Bowling Green and Debbie, and simply enjoying our last night together.  We laughed a lot, and tried out southern accents..well I did. : )  Then we said good night knowing that tomorrow morning will be very biter-sweet...

Coming to Bowling Green has been amazing.  We know that the trip has been more that anyone could ever dream of, and the extra bonuses of meeting people, and being able to enjoy their company was crazy...This whole thing has been one big blessing of fun, and adventure.  We are excited to be home, but sad to be away from the road...so many bitter-sweet moments these last few weeks.

Good Night!



  1. Love the cave!!! Did you guys get to actually go to a dance??? So cool...

  2. Did you invite Debbie and her family to Maine for a visit? I know you did but just doing the mom thing and checking. :)

  3. You guys made some great friends! Can't wait to meet them some day . . .
